We are an expert fund service business committed to growth and development, realising our ambitions by investing in our clients, our people and our culture. With a reputation for excellence and long-term client relationships, built upon foundations of integrity, adaptability and continued modernisation.

Thompson Taraz News

Reserved Investor Fund (RIF)

Mar 25

Thompson Taraz and the Reserved Investor Fund (RIF)

At Thompson Taraz we very much welcome the introduction of the new Reserved Investor Fund (RIF) structure in the UK, it is a significant milestone for the UK’s fund industry. The work by individuals a…

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UK Treasury Extends EIS Sunset Clause

Sep 24

UK Treasury confirms extension to the EIS Sunset Clause.

The extension to the EIS was initially reported in November 2023, when the then government announced a 10-year extension to the EIS to April 2035. This passed through Parliament as part of the Finance…

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Asset management: common errors when applying for authorisation and submitting VoPs

Apr 24

Asset management - common errors when applying for UK authorisation and submitting VoPs

The FCA has published information on its website setting out common errors it has observed in applications for authorisation and variations of permissions (VoP) from firms in the asset management sect…

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